~just a nerd in a cornfield
NOTE: All COMMISSIONS Pages Do Not Have Functioning Card Processors! Please, Do Not Submit Commissions At This Time!

Pricing Guide
A Rough Guide | Subject to Change
Hi! I can be commissioned for work!
A couple of notes before diving in...
My rates are extremely low compared to other freelance-writers, and I'm okay with that for now as I am still starting out
My rates are essentially 1¢ a word
That is... beyond dirt-cheap in any time period for any professional
Approved topics/genres/fandoms have an addon-rate of 1.5x the initial penny-value to accommodate time and work put-in
Out-of-Genre/Fandom writings have an additional outlay of +0.5x added to the pre-tax total
Note::Non-fiction works substitute a +0.3x
anything requiring extended research (approved Genre/Fandom included) will have and additional addon charge of $3 per ½ hr. required
All "lewd" works will be graded according to the "Citrus Scale" as I knew it, and be charged accordingly
Lime = pretax total + 0.7x markup
Lemon = pretax total + 2x markup
Grapefruit = pretax total + 2.3x markup
Kiwi = pretax total + 2.6x markup
I charge a 6% sales tax to match the region I'm in
Commissioned works must have their quote paid for half-upfront in order for work on it to begin
Upon completion of the work, you will receive a final quote for the project and be billed the remainder
As PayPal charges 2.9%+30¢, half of that value will be added to your final total
In your submissions, please make sure to include any triggers and squicks that are reasonably likely to pop up.
By default, I own all rights to the commission and am free to publish it as I please. In your submission, you can request privacy of it for up to 2 years after completion, at which point I am once again able to distribute the work as I desire.
As all rights to the work are reserved by me, you are not able to publish or distribute the work as your own, or receive a monetary value for it. You may, however:
distribute/publish the work online, for free, acknowledging "Scarecrow Jones" as the author, and include a link to this website.
utilize the work (in whole or in part) in a project of yours, provided you acknowledge "Scarecrow Jones" as the author of the applicable sections, and provide a link to this website
Commission Examples
Rosa wants to commission a 100-word sweet ficlet about Knuckles and Amy. As this option is on approved Fandom and not on the Citrus Scale, only the base
Cancellation Policy