~just a nerd in a cornfield
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Interstellar Conflictions
A Series
Three people living their own lives have a part to play in the greater galactic scene.
Genre: SciFi/Fantasy

Boys from the Sands of Na'tan
January 20, 2023
The first book in the series, this volume follows three people living their own lives as they interact with --and influence-- the greater galactic scene.
The first is Éren, a hot headed and ultimately naïve and innocent --if hot-headed-- youth who ventures out beyond his small little world to save a princess.
The second is Dawn, a slave-boy who meets two Miramac --wizard knights-- on a mission to prevent a war, and accompanies them on their journey.
Lastly, we have Dordh Lu, a man confined to a life-support-suit who must come to terms with the intolerability of his existence as he twists the world he once knew and loved into something perverse because that twisted vision is all he has left to grasp.
Èren Èrèētchi
Èren, a young, hot-tempered boy who ventures on a mission to rescue a princess. Being raised a sheltered farm boy, he's often very naïve and prone to misunderstanding social cues.
Age: 14
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Age: 8
Dorhd Lu
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Princess Lunæluihath
Officially titled Ascending Princess of Porto Calæ, Grandspokesmen of the Keep of Light, Hereditary Princess Lunæluihath of Lumniet, Ambassador of the Liberty Alliance, 'Lunæ' --as she is often called-- is young and has the weight of a galaxy weighing on her, and all the restrains that come with it.
Age: 14
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