~just a nerd in a cornfield

WT: Krysta German
A Series
A series of books about a girl, Krysta German, who finds out that vampires are real and that one of them has an infatuation with her.
The series starts out in the same vein of the average YA novel --light-hearted and sorta romantic-- but then starts to diverge and deconstruct as more characters are introduced and new themes are explored.
The Series' Riveting Beginning
Something about him has her insides screaming to run, and to run far. Now, Krysta's no stranger to the bizarre, you know?, what with her 'witch' of a grandmother and all, but... something about this guy has her hair standing on end. From the hungry look in his dark eyes to his uncanny stillness, there's just something so predatory about Adrian.
And then, of course, he's not the only thing taking up real-estate in her mind —oh no, no, sir, not by a country-mile. From helping her mother —with whom she has a strained relationship—tend to a practical army of siblings, to a new school of culture barriers, to the mysterious pattern of violent murders that seem to be getting closer, there's a million things going on and only 23.93 hours in a day.
And that's not even getting into the shit in her head.
If things keep piling up—and if she's not careful about it--Krysta just might wind up in the hospital again...
Krysta German
The Main Lead
A high schooler transfer student who struggles to balance her dysfunctional life. As she begins associating herself with a potentially dangerous kid, Adrian, her convoluted life begins spiraling down.
Adrian Hastings
The Main Man
A private, socially awkward student who feels himself drawn to Krysta against his better judgement. Despite himself, there's something about her that provokes such... strong, instinctual reactions.
Jose Han
The Bestfriend
Krysta's bestfriend and confidant, the two are practically siblings and they always have each others' backs.
Azel Barzillai
The Lancer
Adrian's older foster brother, he keeps an eye on Adrian's interactions with Krysta so as to keep the Pire family's secret...well, secret.
Krysta's Family
Shepherd German
Krysta's father is a stoical veteran and local hero. As a volunteer cop, volunteer fireman, and milk delivery driver, Shepherd is something of a linchpin in his local community.
Rose Whenn
Krysta's mother is a starting work at her childrens' middle school. Her relationship with her eldest daughter and ex-husband are strained.
Kyle German
Krysta's twin brother in California. After their stepfather lost his job and the family needed to move in with Shepherd, Kyle opted to stay with his girlfriend in LA.
John Whenn
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Nickolas Whenn
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Abernathy Whenn
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Janie Whenn
One of the Whenn twins, Janie is a young, but highly opinionated little girl with a golden heart who isn't afraid to sass anyone. Sometimes, the combination gets her into trouble.
Greg Whenn
Rose's second husband and a... failed father figure to Krysta. While Krysta knows he's not a bad guy, and that he'd trying, she just can't connect with him much.
Margaret "Nana" German
Shepherd's mother and known as something of a "witch". She often meddles in Krysta's life with little random pieces of advise or warning. Though slightly kooky, she can be relied upon in a pinch.
Deputy Lancaster, Bill
Krysta's uncle, married to her late Aunt Riley. He's a deputy of Lincoln County who patrols the Siletz Reservation.
Emma Lancaster
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Thomas Lancaster
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Mallorie Lancaster
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Rebecca Lancaster
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Frank Lancaster
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Adrian and Azel's Family
Collin Pire
The family's young patriarch.
Amelia Pire
The heart, soul, and mother of the family.
Henry Napier
A mountain of a man with a big 'ol heart just as big. In a relationship with Evelyn.
Evelyn Dashwood
One hell of a looker with a big ol' ...erm, heart? She's got just as many curves as she does attitude. In a relationship with Henry.
Jeffery Jeffries
A homeschooled loner, he's not good around others and likes to keep a distance.
Chloe Fletcher
A young freshman girl, she's quiet but sweet, and prefers the company of animals and books to people.
Lexi Talbot
A short, hyperactive young thing who is fashion and future-oriented. She has a strong bond to Adrian and Azel.
Collin Talbot
Lexi's twin brother, he attends school in Italy and is not often seen.
Towns and Other Locations
Old Kethwyke
The former seat of Bering County, this city was incorporated in 1888 --though the name dates back to the establishment of a post office in 1867-- Old Kethwyke was then known simply as Kethwyke. After a train-route between Toledo and the infamous Bluebird lane was established, many moved down the road and founded "New" Kethwyke. Once the highways connected New Kethwyke to Nantlea and the rest of Oregon, many people began to leave for those two cities. Currently, Old Kethwyke stands as a town in decline, not likely to last another 50 years.
New Kethwyke
Unofficial residence of New Kethwyke began in 1887 in preparation of the Oregon Pacific Railroad, which was planned to pass by on it's way to Albany.
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The Institutum
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