~just a nerd in a cornfield
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The Night Brand
A Novel
A girl, Ric, has her life set up for her: she's weeks from moving in with her boyfriend, she's set to graduate before the end of the school year, and she's got a job she enjoys-- but that changes when she's branded as a Vampire and forced to leave her life behind.
The Night Brand
After being branded a vampire, Ric's life is completely flipped on its head as she is forced to leave her family and move into a Scholeío --or a House of Hecate-- as her body begins to undergo new changes what will lead to her joining the pseudo-immortal vampires, or die.
Struggling to grapple with this new twist of fate, Ric has to navigate new surroundings, new people, and her own changing biology in a school where a student dies, on average, every couple of days.
Outside the scope of the nocturnal, single father AJ wrestles to balance his daughter, his possibly dying girlfriend and his career in MMA and gym instructing with his addiction recovery.
Released Excerpts
(Found on Blog)
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Prominent Characters
The Two Main Leads

Patricia "Ric" Jane
Nineteen year-old Ric, who has an interest in editing, lives her life in a delicate situation: she's been secretly dating someone to the point where she's about to move out of her abusive father's house right under his nose. And then, the un-thinkable happens: her body begins the transition into becoming a vampire and she must forsake her known world for the uncertainties of the vampiric world.

Alejandro Joaquin "AJ" Montoya-Chavez
Seventeen year-old AJ is a recovering alcoholic and single father trying to make something out of his life. He's already feeling the weight of a thousand worlds on his shoulders when his girlfriend suddenly disappears from his life. Trying to reach out to her at the mysterious Scholeío Riverside is all he can do, while he continues to serve his community.
A Selection of Secondary Characters
High Priestess Neith-hotep
The administrative and religious leader of Scholeío Riverside, it is the duty of a High Priestess to ensure stability at the school for all parents and students. As Ric's mentor, she often tries to provide her with a guiding hand.
Abril "Nana" Chavez
A Honduran immigrant who crossed the border as a young child; America is the only country she's known. She lives with her grandson and great-grandchild, Vanessa, and tries to help him and his friends wherever she can.
Elijah "Eli"
A perpetually belittled neophyte vampire, he's often downcast and irritable, but proves to be a true friend to Ric. However, the rest of the Scholeío only sees him as a nuisance at best.
Abigail "Abby" Rademaker
Ric's roomate at Scholeío Riverside, Abby tries to be welcoming and supportive of her friends.
Dominic "Dom" Pesti
A quietly soft teen with a listening ear, he makes for a great friend, and AJ considers himself lucky enough to have him in life.
Turin Ezra
Turin is an upperclassman at Scholeío Riverside and is in training for becoming a Priestess of Hecate. Due to their differences, she and Ric often come into conflict.